Topic: Addressing Hospital Industry Hazards and Injuries (August 2009)
Topic: Advanced Directives (October 2008; Updated November 2015)
Topic: Community Awareness/Education (June 2012)
Topic: Community Health Resource Center (February 2011)
Topic: Competition to Increase Awareness of Mental Illness (August 2009)
Topic: Forensic Processes (January 2023)
Topic: Health Fairs/Screenings (2007; Updated November 2015)
Topic: Hospital Website Provides Public Health Information (August 2009)
Topic: Inpatient Tobacco Cessation Consultation (September 2021)
Topic: Is it Marketing? (April 2009)
Topic: Lactation Services (Updated September 2016)
Topic: Media Outreach Programs (Updated June 2012; Updated November 2015)
Topic: Patient Surgical Education Classes (January 2023)
Topic: Program T-shirts and Accessories (December 2014)
Topic: Regarding Give-Aways (July 2022)
Topic: Support Groups (Updated November 2015)
Topic: Employee Health Promotion (2007)
Topic: Employer Screenings (November 2008)
Topic: Fast Track Clinic Expenses (August 2009)
Topic: Health Promotion for Long-Term Care Residents (April 2009)
Topic: Immunizations for Patients (August 2009)
Topic: Accreditation and Licensure (February 2024)
Topic: Applying for Guardianship (September 2012)
Topic: Baby Supplies for New Mothers (January 2011)
Topic: Bereavement Support Remembrance Services (June 2012)
Topic: Building a Sports Complex (December 2022)
Topic: Cancer Registries (April 2024)
Topic: Car Seat Safety Program (November 2022)
Topic: Catholic Mass Open to Community (January 2009)
Topic: Charity Tracker (May 2022)
Topic: Drug Donation Program (January 2023)
Topic: Enrollment Assistance (Updated December 2014)
Topic: Interpreter Services (June 2015)
Topic: Lifeline Services (January 2009)
Topic: Pastoral Care Programs (August 2009)
Topic: Paying Expenses on Behalf of Individuals (Updated November 2015)
Topic: Paying for Care in Outside Facility (Updated November 2015)
Topic: Paying for Low-Income Patient Burial Costs (Updated November 2015)
Topic: Post Discharge/Care Management Services for Hospital's Low-Income Patients (Updated March 2019)
Topic: Providing Access to Post-Acute Care for Homeless and Uninsured (Updated November 2024)
Topic: Residential Facilities for Patients and Families (August 2010)
Topic: Transportation (2007)
Topic: Transporting Breast Milk (June 2012)
Topic: Advocacy on Behalf of Special Needs Children (November 2023)
Topic: Community Benefit or Community Building Activity (November 2015)
Topic: Community-wide Quality Improvement/Care Coordination Efforts (March 2013)
Topic: Economic Stability Grants
Topic: Educating Hospitals About Successful Environmental Practices (August 2009)
Topic: Food Pantry (November 2023)
Topic: Food Policy/Leadership Councils (August 2013)
Topic: Physician Recruitment (Updated November 2024)
Topic: Providing Place for Exercise/Play (March 2016)
Topic: Purchasing and Supplier Diversity (November 2023)
Topic: Sustainable Farming (March 2013)
Topic: Planting Trees (November 2021)