
In Season Five of Health Calls, thought leaders from Catholic health care, academia, public policy and other sectors explore how humanity can thrive amidst rapid technological change. As the official podcast of the Catholic Health Association, Health Calls addresses timely issues that promote the common good and a more just, healthy society.

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Season 5: Episode 11 - Building a Culture of Mission and Innovation Pt. 2

In this second part of the discussion, Joe Kelly discusses the steps Mercy has taken to protect patient privacy, highlights partnerships that have kept them on the cutting edge and explains how Mercy’s foundresses act as a guiding light for his team as they move forward.

To listen to the first part of this discussion, click here.

» Transcript

Season 5: Episode 10 - Building a Culture of Mission and Innovation Pt. 1

Catholic health care providers face a unique challenge – synthesizing the realities of their unique mission and the need to be technologically innovative. How do you faithfully follow the call to continue Jesus’s healing ministry and be as forward-thinking as possible?

Joe Kelly, Executive Vice President and Chief Transformation Officer at Mercy, joins the show for a two-part episode. In part one, Kelly discusses his journey to the current role he occupies, how Mercy’s mission colleagues play a role in the organization’s perspective on data, and a Biblical parable that has proved to be a rich, theological foundation for their team to build on.

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Season 5: Episode 9 - Data 101 for Community Benefit

When it comes to learning about and treating the communities we serve, data is the key. But with so much data out there, how do Catholic health providers begin to sort through it all and make sense of what they find?

Jaime Dircksen, Vice President of Community Health and Well-Being at Trinity Health, joins the show to discuss how she and her team utilize data to best serve Trinity Health's patient populations. She discusses key indicators they look for, how different customizable tools can help or harm the process and how generative AI and emerging technologies offer hope and caution to caregivers looking to better connect with their patients.


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Season 5: Episode 8 - The Promise of 3D Printing in Health Care

Three-dimensional printing technology has been around for decades, but has seen a rapid expansion into commercial, manufacturing and industrial use over the past few years. As it makes its way into health care, what benefits could this relatively new technology offer?

Dr. Kevin Chen, Chief of Pediatric Surgery at Cardinal Glennon and Surgical Director of the 3D Lab at SSM Health, joins the show to discuss the use of 3D printing in his everyday work. Dr. Chen discusses how it can be used as an educational tool, how it affects the patient-caregiver relationship and where the technology can go in the future.


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Season 5: Episode 7 - Implementing New Tech in Care Settings

Every day, new technologies are making their way into health care settings. Whether it's AI recorders and transcribers or robotic surgical tools, it's a reality that providers and systems must face.

Cyril Philip, Vice President of Digital Ventures at Bon Secours Mercy Health and Digital Ventures Lead at Accrete Health Partners, joins Health Calls to discuss the logistical benefits that introducing these technologies can have for care providers. He offers insight into how workflow can be optimized, how patient interactions can be prioritized and how systems can wisely manage the influx of new data and tech.


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Season 5: Episode 6 - Theology, Artificial Intelligence, and Catholic Health Care

As artificial intelligence is implemented into more and more aspects of health care, it can be difficult to keep up with the varying ethical considerations that arise. If Catholic health care is to thrive in this new era of technology, a robust theological perspective is necessary.

Dan Daly, Executive Director of the Center for Theology and Ethics in Catholic Health, returns to Health Calls to discuss how Catholic health providers can find theological guidance and ethical clarity on technological questions. He discusses Pope Francis’s perspective on AI, why human empathy is crucial, and why efficiency and profit cannot be the ministry’s ultimate goals.


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Season 5: Episode 5 - Spiritual Care and Emerging Technology

Emerging technologies can help health care providers with a multitude of daily tasks from efficient data processing to helping doctors with bedside conversations. But can it be used in the realm of spiritual care and whole person care?

Theresa Edmonson, Vice President of Spiritual Health for Providence St. Joseph Health, and Antonina Olszewski, Vice President of Spiritual Care for Mission Integration at Ascension, join the show to discuss the latest trends in technology and spiritual care. The two highlight the recent work of CHA’s Spiritual Care Advisory Council, explain why they feel hopeful about the future of AI in spiritual care settings, and reflect on how the foundresses and founders of Catholic health care can inspire us as we move boldly into the future.



Season 5: Episode 4 - Energy Technologies for Climate Action

As one of the country's biggest producers of carbon emissions, health care has a responsibility to help solve the ongoing climate crisis. What opportunities exist for health systems to make immediate improvements to their carbon footprint, and how can they set themselves up for a sustainable future?

Dan Misleh, co-founder of the Catholic Climate Covenant, joins Health Calls to talk about the many partnerships his organization is rallying around. He highlights the non-profit's Catholic Energies program, lists the financial benefits of making sustainable changes, and encourages Catholic health providers to think about how climate action can be a way to live out their mission.


Get involved with the organizations mentioned in today’s episode


Season 5: Episode 3 - A.I., Empathy and Goal-Aligned Health Care

When working with patients, it is essential for palliative care providers to have goal-oriented conversations. Without them, caregivers may not efficiently and collaboratively meet the patients' needs and goals for their own care. How can new technologies enhance these conversations, both from a productivity and a human relationship standpoint?

Matthew Gonzales, MD, of the Institute for Human Caring at Providence, joins the conversation to discuss IHC, the center’s successes, and its use of generative artificial intelligence. Gonzales lays out how “EmpathyAI” can enhance caregiver-to-patient interactions and lead to better outcomes for patients in a goal-aligned care model.


Visit the IHC’s official website to learn more about its work

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Season 5: Episode 2 - Technology, Change and the Catholic Response

As the world of technology spins faster and faster, responses can vary to the rapid pace of change and innovation. Fear, excitement, caution – everyone has an idea of how to respond. What does Catholic tradition and faith have to say?

Dr. Joseph Vukov, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University of Chicago and author of Staying Human in an Era of Artificial Intelligence, joins Health Calls to offer his thoughts on what Catholicism has to offer to this technological moment. Dr. Vukov and host Brian Reardon discuss specific ways that technology can benefit and disrupt the mission of Catholic health care, all while keeping in mind the truth of what it means to be "human" in a digital age.


Purchase Dr. Vukov’s book, Staying Human in an Era of Artificial Intelligence

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Season 5: Episode 1 - Maintaining Human Connection Amidst Technological Innovation

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by technology, especially when change and innovation seem to come so rapidly.

Tom Koulopoulos, founder and chairman of the Delphi Group and author of Reimagining Health Care, joins Health Calls for the premiere of Season Five, "Technology and Humanity." Koulopoulos discusses how he began to research health care as a futurist and why he thinks providers have an immense opportunity to utilize technological innovation to their advantage. He also names potential pitfalls of technological dependence while giving an optimistic outlook on the future of health care technology.

If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe to Health Calls on any of your favorite podcast streaming services or on our website, www.chausa.org/podcast. Give us a five-star rating while you're at it… we'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about what conversations we should have next!


Visit Tom Koulopoulos's website to purchase Reimagining Health Care or his latest book Gigatrends

Read the Catholic Health World story covering Tom’s keynote speech at the 2024 Catholic Health Assembly

Subscribe to Catholic Health World for the latest stories on tech trends and innovations around the Catholic health ministry



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