Ethical Supports/Resources

Mission leaders are responsible for ethics within their organizations and for safeguarding Catholic identity in our ministry. The profound changes in health care, new business models, population health and delivery are transforming the face of health care in the U.S. and the Catholic health ministry. This page provides a place to start for mission leaders who are unfamiliar with the landscape of Catholic ethics.

If you have any ethical questions or are in need of a consult, contact either Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP, S.T.D., senior director, theology and ethics, by email or phone at (314) 427-2500 or Nathaniel Hibner, director, ethics and mission services, by email or phone at (314) 427-2500.


CHA has developed three video case studies and accompanying facilitation guides to lead mission leaders, ethicists and other care, management and executive team members through discussions on Competing Service Lines, a Critical Clinical Case and a one on Length of Stay and Code Status.


The following resources will help you keep up to date with issues in healthcare ethics:

End-of-Life Ethics Guides

End-of-Life Ethics Guides

These ethics publications, available in English and Spanish, are designed to help patients, families and caregivers think about end-of-life decisions and prepare an advance health care directive. CHA has developed these in collaboration with physicians, nurses, theologians and ethicists within Catholic health care. Although a reflection of the perspective of Catholic tradition, the information is helpful to persons from any religious tradition.

Advance Directives: Expressing Your Health Care Wishes
Download the PDF (English | Spanish)
Order in the CHA Store

Teachings of the Catholic Church: Caring for People at the End of Life
Download the PDF (English | Spanish)
Order in the CHA Store

Palliative and Hospice Care

Palliative and Hospice Care: Caring Even When We Cannot Cure

This new palliative care guide from CHA assists patients, families, physicians, nurses and caregivers with decisions about serious illness and end-of-life care. CHA developed the guide in collaboration with physicians, nurses, theologians and ethicists within Catholic health care and with the Supportive Care Coalition, a national coalition of Catholic health ministries that advances excellence in palliative care. Although the guide reflects the perspective of Catholic tradition, the information can be helpful to people from any religious tradition. 

Download the PDF (English | Spanish)
Order in the CHA Store


Ethics Lab Podcast

Catholic Health Initiative's Mission Network presents the podcast, EthicsLab. The EthicsLab Podcast explores current health care ethics issues with national experts to provide better knowledge and practical results.

Ethics Lab and Case Study

The Ethics Lab CD-ROM contains several challenging cases and commentary from ministry ethicists. It is intended to stimulate discourse among leadership teams, boards of trustees, ethics committees, physicians and other clinical staff in Catholic health care organizations.