Faithfully Forward is a CHA initiative developed at the request of CHA members. Initially titled Project Legacy, its process for goal setting as well as the project scope and timeline has been shared with the ministry in several ways:
Top Recommendations
The advisory committee, made up of CHA members, provided CHA staff with a plan to prioritize work. Top recommendations include:
Competency Development
- Compliment core competencies for mission leaders, chaplains and ethicists with training in executive leadership, operational and strategic influence, culture building, change leadership and envisioning community health, population health and community relations in new and transformational ways.
- Expand and deepen CHA's Mission Leader Competency Model and Ethicist Competency Model to include “stair stepped” competencies and career development that show a clear career path. In light of the changing landscape, understanding sponsorship models, canon law, ecclesial relations, principle of cooperation and value compatibility analysis will be necessary going forward.
- Include personal formation and spiritual
development as necessary components for leaders
who hold these key positions.
- Create a broad marketing strategy with academic institutions to educate young adult students about
these critical roles.
- Create a database where job openings across
the ministry and resumes of interested candidates
can be posted.
- Encourage member systems to create internships, fellowships and entry-level positions.
Compensation and Career Path
- Identify and develop mentors who can accompany
new mission leaders, chaplains and ethicists during
the first five years of their professional life.
- Develop clear career paths and educate new leaders
so they know overall professional competencies,
role-specific competencies and the formational and spiritual development necessary to advance.
- Align system goals, responsibilities and compensation for these roles in an equitable manner consistent with other leaders within the system.