For more than two decades, Food for the Journey, Theological Foundations of the Catholic Healthcare Ministry, has inspired the women and men who are leading and serving in Catholic health care.

Hardcopy book — Also Available in Spanish!
This book, an essential formation resource, is a visually updated edition of the original authored in 1991 by Sister Juliana Casey, a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Mich. In its 173 pages, it offers the story of Catholic health care as a sacrament of Christ's healing mercy in our day. It provides leaders with insights into the relationship of the health care ministry of the Catholic Church, the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ, the social teaching of the Church and health care for those persons who are poor and vulnerable by way of tangible examples and easy to understand theological concepts. In June 2017, the book was translated in Spanish and is available for order.
MP3: Download an audio version of the book in MP3 format.
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eBook versions for Ipad, Kindle and more can be found here:
- Apple Store - This book is available for download on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with iBooks and on your computer with iTunes (books must be read on an iOS device).
- Amazon - Start reading Food for the Journey on your Kindle in under a minute!
- Barnes & Noble - Get Food for the Journey as a NOOK book!
Card Set: This set of five notecards (4 x 5) includes chapter cover images from the CHA resource, Food for the Journey: Theological Foundations of Catholic Healthcare Ministry. With these lovely color images on the front and blank inside, they are appropriate for a multitude of occasions.
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About the Author/Narrator
Sr. Juliana Casey, is a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Mich. She has worked in health care for more than 20 years; primarily in the areas of mission integration, ministry formation and sponsorship.
She is currently a member of Providence Ministries, the sponsoring body of Providence Health & Services. Most recently, she served as the executive vice president of mission integration at Catholic Health East (CHE), where she was a member of the senior management team and worked closely with the sponsors of the health system. She retired from full-time service at CHE in December 2010, but continues to work as a consultant in the areas of sponsorship, governance, scripture studies and ministry formation, and provides retreats and days of reflection for lay persons and religious.
She has lectured widely in both the U.S. and other countries. She has taught at every level of education from grade school through graduate school.
In addition to this book, she has written many articles as well as a Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews; and Where is God Now: Nuclear Terror, Feminism and the Search for God.
She holds a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) and a doctor of sacred theology degree (S.T.D.) from the Katholieke Universitaat te Leuven, Louvain, Belgium. She was among the first women to achieve this degree in the university's 450 year history.
Suggestions for Use
Food for the Journey is a highly readable resource with a solid theological foundation. It can serve as a basic text for formation programs, for groups or individuals who are caregivers, clinicians, executives, administrators, operational staff, volunteers and many others. It provides an excellent introduction to Catholic health care for leaders who are new to Catholic health care.