Divina Process Guides

These three companion pieces – two cards and an audio reflection – take the user through a contemplative process. All are meaningful for group or personal use and provide a centering moment in today's hectic environment.

  • Share the audio reflection on your intranet, through emails and newsletters
  • Play the audio recording to open meetings – from board meetings to front-line staff meetings for a formative experience
  • Order and share cards by making copies available in break rooms, chapels, reflection areas, waiting rooms, resident gathering areas, etc.
  • Distribute hard copies with administrative and all staff for use personally, and to open meetings


There are many places online and elsewhere to access art for use in a Divina process. Here are four useful recommendations:

Lectio Divina – A Process Guide


This 5.5 x 8.5 two-sided card guides the user through Lectio Divina to meet God in reading, mediation, prayer and contemplation in and through scripture

Visio Divina – A Process Guide

This 5.5 x 8.5 two-sided card outlines the four-fold process of Visio Divina — Gazing, Reflecting, Responding, Resting. To be used individually or in groups, cardholders are invited to use use the eye of the soul to contemplate art — such as a painting, sculpture, items found in nature. Visio Divina provides a centering moment in today’s hectic environment and can be shared across a health organization, including break rooms, chapels, reflection areas, patient and waiting rooms, as well as with individuals at meetings or for use at their workspaces.

Visio Divina Audio Reflection

This five-minute audio reflection will allow you to enter an experience of contemplation and conversation with God through art.
  • Download/listen to the MP3 or WAV