Policymakers You Should Know- State and Local Contacts

State Government
State and local policymakers and their staffs also should be included on your list of persons to involve in health care advocacy. It is helpful to maintain contact with general offices of the governor, mayor, and specific local and state policy offices. Include also state legislators who deal with health, social, and budget issues.

Community Leaders
Community leaders will be very concerned about the fundamental issues related to health care: access to services, coverage, costs, consumer choice, quality, and administrative complexity.

Some groups and persons in the community to work with on health care advocacy include:

  • Employers and business leaders
  • Other health care and social service providers, such as other hospitals, long-term care facilities, physicians, clinics, and service agencies
  • Catholic parishes and schools, Catholic Charities, diocesan office, State Catholic Conference, and other Catholic organizations
  • Other religious congregations and organizations
  • Schools, PTAs, Easter Seal Society, Girls and Boys Clubs, and other agencies and organizations concerned about issues related to child health
  • Chapters of the AARP and other consumer advocacy groups

Some activities for keeping community groups involved and informed on health care advocacy issues include:

  • Regularly scheduled "health care policy breakfasts" or other briefings with special groups, such as church leaders, major employers, school representatives, and other health providers
  • Including health care policy developments in newsletters, annual reports, and other publications that are distributed throughout the community
  • Jointly sponsoring a town meeting on health care issues