Immigration Reform

Catholic health care organizations serve immigrants, including refugees and victims of human trafficking, in their clinics, emergency rooms, and in their facilities. Catholic health care also employs many people who have fled their homeland, seeking a better life for themselves and their communities.

As part of the Catholic health ministry, the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA) shares this commitment to helping those who have come to the United States from other countries. Through outreach, education, and advocacy, CHA speaks out on behalf of health care access for immigrants and collaborates with other organizations in "welcoming the stranger among us."

For more information about CHA's positions, see below and Expanding Coverage for Immigrants.

119th Congress

118th Congress

117th Congress

116th Congress

Key Organizations


From the January-February 2005 Health Progress Special Section on "Justice for Immigrants"

Toward Immigration Reform
U.S. bishops are calling for justice for foreign-born people who emigrate to this country.
Mark Franken

A Warm Welcome For Refugees
The Catholic Collaborative Refugee Network now has sites in 12 U.S. cities.
Terrance P. McGuire, EdD

The Most Vulnerable Among Us
Mental health care is one of the great needs of refugees in the United States.
Sr. Louise O. Lears, PhD; & Sr. Jean Abbott, CSJ, LCSW

Health Planning for Immigrants
In Virginia, Bon Secours Richmond Health System sponsors a community-wide health assessment.
Karen Cameron & Eletta Hansen, RN, MPH

"Good Help" in St. Petersburg
In Florida, Bon Secours Maria Manor helped fund an initiative that helps provide refugees with both work and health care.
Sr. Carol E. Stovall, SSJ