Pastoral Care Resources

Spiritual Care and Healing Apps

The CHA Pastoral Care Advisory Committee is pleased to offer a list of mobile apps to assist in the pastoral and spiritual care of patients, their families and health ministry associates.

View the list to download in your app store

Recommended Reading

  • Making Health Care Whole: Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care , Christina Puchalski , MD, and Betty Ferrell, RN, Ph.D.Templeton Press, 2010.
  • Professional Spiritual & Pastoral Care: A Practical Clergy and Chaplain’s Handbook, Edited by Rabbi Stephen B. Roberts, MBA, MHL, BCJC. Skylight Path Publishing, 2012.
  • Oxford Textbook of Spirituality and Healthcare, Edited by Mark Cobb, Christina M. Puchalski , MD, and Bruce Rumbold. Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Spiritual Care in Practice: Case Studies in Healthcare Chaplaincy, Edited by George Iitchett and Steve Nolan. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015.