Sponsorship Overview

Sponsorship of a health care ministry is a structured relationship through which the sponsor, in the name of the Church, directs and influences a ministry that meets an apostolic need and furthers the mission of Jesus.

Sponsorship of Catholic health care involves promoting and assuring Jesus' healing mission. Those who sponsor are responsible for the continued viability of the health care ministry, promoting its ongoing mission, and animating its life. Sponsors act publicly on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church and have been entrusted to serve the Church by guiding and overseeing a specific institutional ministry in a formal and public way.

CHA's Sponsor Services Department provides numerous programs, services and resources to help sponsors of Catholic health care live out and better understand their roles. For more information about CHA Sponsor Services, contact Lori Ashmore-Ruppel, senior director, mission services management, or Sr. Teresa (Tere) Maya CCVI, Ph.D., senior director for theology and sponsorship.

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Guide for Sponsors in Catholic Health Care

A valuable and timely guide for new, current and prospective sponsor members about the distinctive role of sponsors and important role of the laity for the health ministry of the Catholic Church. The guide highlights the vocation, personal qualifications and recruitment of individual sponsor members and the importance of their ongoing formation and spiritual development.
CHA Sponsorship Guide Cover
In addition to explaining evolving models of sponsorship and the development of ministerial juridic persons, the guide describes core competencies of the sponsor body and its role as a Gospel ministry. "Guide for Sponsors in Catholic Health Care: An Explanation of Purpose, Qualifications, Structures and Competencies" is now available.
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CHA STUDY GUIDE for the Second Edition of The Pastoral Role of the Diocesan Bishop in Catholic Health Care Ministry

The CHA Study Guide for The Pastoral Role of the Diocesan Bishop in Catholic Health Care Ministry, a newly revised document of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), is a valuable resource for bishops and health care leaders to reflect on the mutual responsibility for our health ministries and explore ways to foster greater collaboration. The revised document and study guide provide a clearer understanding of the important relationship and roles of those who are responsible for the Catholic health ministries within the United States. This document includes the exact test of the USCCB document, discussion questions to facilitate group study, sidebar commentary and extended endnotes and references to CHA resources that pertain to various parts of the document.

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CHA Sponsor Formation Program for Catholic Health Care

This program for CHA members will prepare individuals to serve as current or prospective members of Juridic Persons to carry out the health ministry of the Catholic Church.

The in-depth formation program will incorporate group interaction, personal reflection and presentations about key dimensions of sponsorship including theology, ethics, canon law, Catholic social tradition, discernment and spiritual growth.

The program takes place over 18 months in four sessions from March 2024 to Sept. 2025. Participants are selected and endorsed by a sponsoring organization that is a member of CHA. Enrollment is limited and is invitation-only.

For more information, contact Sr. Teresa Maya, senior director, theology & sponsorship, or Lori Ashmore-Ruppel, director, sponsor services (314) 427-2500.

CHA Sponsor Formation Program 2024-2025

Caritas In Communion

Caritas in Communion: Theological Foundations of Catholic Health Care