Prayer for South Sudan Commemorating Independence Day - July 9

Recommended for July 9

Prayer for South Sudan
Commemorating Independence Day
July 9

Join us in praying for the people of South Sudan …

God of Peace,
St. Francis prayed, "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace."
And so do we. 
Make us instruments of your peace.
Allow instruments of peace to rise up in South Sudan
And flourish all over your world:

instruments of peace who offer stability, safety, and justice;
that bring joy and hope;
that foster hearts of reconciliation, mercy, and love.

God of Justice,
The prophet Jeremiah likened your saving justice to towering mountains.
And so do we.
May your justice tower over the people of South Sudan:

Upholding the righteous,
Protecting the widow and orphan,
Staying the hand that seeks violence,
Reconciling brother with brother, sister with sister,
Your children with each other.

God of Plenty,
Your Son showed us how in faith, prayer and generosity,
Your bounty could be multiplied.
And so will we.
Bless South Sudan with a bountiful harvest;
Let this conflict not dry its fields

Or close its markets
Or still its people's desire to share what they have.

Banish famine from their land
And turn the hearts of all to those who hunger
That we may all share what you have blessed us with;
That their baskets may be filled,
That their cups may overflow,
That their children may flourish.  

(From Catholic Relief Services)

Allow your prayer to lead you to action on behalf of the people of South Sudan

Learn more about the situation in South Sudan.

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