CHA Statement on Administration's Final Rule, Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities

For Immediate Release
May 2, 2024

Contact:  Brian Reardon

Statement by Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, CHA President and CEO 

WASHINGTON, D.C - We greatly appreciate the Administration’s clear and repeated articulation of its commitment to protecting the conscience and religious freedom rights of health care providers under federal law.  We also welcome the clear statements that declining to provide abortions because of religious or conscience objections does not constitute discrimination under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. 

As HHS acknowledges, faith-based hospitals and systems play a vital role in our nation’s health care system. CHA and our members believe that every person who needs health care should be treated with respect and receive the care they need, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any other category, including gender identity, sexual orientation, financial means or immigration status.  At the same time, we will not perform procedures that conflict with our beliefs as Catholic providers.

We are hopeful that this final rule signals a step forward in recognizing there need not be a conflict between the equally important values of non-discrimination and religious freedom in the health care context.

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