
May-June 2013
Volume 94, Number 3

Post-traumatic stress disorder, among the "invisible wounds" of modern warfare, is nothing short of a sacred wound to both the soul and society. It calls for therapy to be redefined, to move beyond conventional therapeutic practices toward a deeper, more holistic and spiritual approach.

In contrast to previous generations, recent veterans are committing suicide at a higher rate than that of the civilian population, probably significantly higher. Catholic health care can lead the way in providing the compassionate life-affirming care that will reduce the suicide toll on our nation's veterans.

The warrior's story and pain require a deep listening and an acknowledgement that the actions and choices of our soldiers are held within a larger web of communal choices. Lacking affirmation from civilians, veterans must bear alone not only their own psychological

Evolving population trends — the aging of rural veterans, the growing number of female veterans and rates of homelessness among veterans — place significant demands on VA and rural delivery systems. Coordination among health care providers is essential to increasing the availability of services and expanding veteran outreach programs.