As Health Progress readers are aware, more and more Catholic health
care organizations are becoming sponsors of housing developments—housing
for the elderly, the chronically ill, people with HIV/AIDS, psychiatric patients,
and others. Why? Is there an intrinsic connection between health and housing?
What is it?
This issue's special section, "Catholic Health Care and Housing,"
attempts to answer those questions. Our guest editor is Julie Minda, a CHA communications
specialist and the lead editor of Catholic Health World.
Our New Look
There's surely no need to announce that Health Progress has a new look.
It's in your hands—a lighter, brighter, more colorful journal, the work
of our multitalented graphic designer, Les Stock. Readers will also note that
the journal's articles now run consecutively, without jumping. What do you think
of the changes? To let us know, write to the editor at [email protected]
or the lead editor at [email protected].
Fr. Peter A. Clark, SJ, PhD, is the recipient of American College of Healthcare
Executives's 2005 Dean Conley Article of the Year Award for his essay, "Prejudice
and the Medical Profession," which appeared in the September-October
2003 Health Progress. We express our congratulations to Fr. Clark.
Another contributor, Thomas H. Hooyman, PhD, was recently appointed to the
Ethics Workgroup of the Advisory Committee to the Director of the Centers for
Disease Control. Dr. Hooyman was the coauthor, with his wife, Nancy W. Hooyman,
MD, of "The 'Sentinel
Events' Study," which appeared in the November-December 2004 Health
Progress. We congratulate Dr. Tom.
Copyright © 2005 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States
For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3477.