
Resources In Healthcare System Reform

July-August 1993

The following articles were published in Health Progress in the past several years. Refer to the annual indexes for each year of Health Progress for more complete listings of articles on healthcare system reform, as well as other issues related to healthcare delivery.

Aldrich, Ronald L., "A Wake-up Call for Systemic Reform," July-August 1992, pp. 12-13. Reminds Catholic healthcare providers of their responsibility to improve the U.S. healthcare system.

Barnet, Robert J., "Revolution, Not Reform," June 1991, pp. 24-30. Presents a healthcare reform proposal based on sharing, community-based concern, and four basic levels of care.

Bernardin, Card. Joseph, "The Bishops' Role in Preserving the Ministry's Vitality," January-February 1993, pp. 21-22, 28. Urges U.S. bishops to collaborate with Catholic healthcare leaders to meet challenges such as declining numbers of religious, reduced resources, and healthcare reform.

Brodeur, Rev. Dennis, "The Rights Debate," June 1990, pp. 48-51, 74. Discusses differences between Catholic social teaching and liberal democratic tradition, including views on rights and resource allocation.

Cassidy, Judy, "Global Economy Pressures U.S. Industry, Healthcare," July-August 1992, pp. 18-19, 38. Explores Robert B. Reich's suggestion that healthcare leaders become agents for change by demonstrating the benefits of innovation and encouraging their organizations to reward people who experiment.

Cassidy, Judy, "Network Unites Payers, Physicians, Hospitals," May 1993, pp. 18-21. Focuses on a multi-institutional system whose members have improved access to care and experienced cost savings by sharing in the risks of a capitated payment system.

Cassidy, Judy, "Two Collaborative Organizations Improve Care Delivery," March 1993, pp. 22-23, 30. Describes two successful models of collaboration--one that efficiently delivers cardiology services and one that integrates chronic care services.

Connelly, Michael D., "Confronting the 'Rights' Issue in Health Policy," November 1991, pp. 12-16. Examines whether healthcare is a right guaranteed by our government and how healthcare resources should be allocated, in light of the Oregon rationing proposal.

Connors, Edward J., "Where Is Tomorrow? Implications and Opportunities," December 1991, pp. 20-24. Addresses the current state of the healthcare system and the stake of Catholic healthcare in the changes taking place.

Coreil, Sr. Bernice, DC, "CHA's Vision of a Redesigned Healthcare System," May 1993, pp. 12-14. Provides Sr. Coreil's testimony to the president's healthcare task force, in which she advocates systemic, person-centered healthcare reform as opposed to reform focused on financing issues.

Coreil, Sr. Bernice, DC, "Forging a Future for Catholic Healthcare," January-February 1993, pp. 20, 28. Discusses the U.S. bishops' important role in fostering collaboration, new models of sponsorship, and healthcare reform.

Coreil, Sr. Bernice, DC, "Values and Vision," March 1992, pp. 34-36. Describes the unique perspectives behind CHA's plan for healthcare reform.

Cox, William J., "The Clinton Election: Implications for Healthcare," January-February 1993, pp. 17-18, 29. Compares the Catholic Health Association's reform proposal with a plan President Bill Clinton articulated during his campaign. Both advocate new incentives to encourage preventive and primary care.

Dougherty, Charles J., "Ethical Problems in Healthcare Rationing," October 1991, pp. 32-39. Discusses, in testimony to the Senate Special Committee on Aging, eight criteria for justifying healthcare rationing.

Dougherty, Charles J., "The Excesses of Individualism," January-February 1992, pp. 22-28. Critiques the barriers to meaningful healthcare reform, including excessive technological, psychosocial, and libertarian individualism.

Friedman, Emily, "Making Room in the Marketplace," December 1990, pp. 16-20, 23. Examines reasons for the vast number of uninsured persons in the United States and solutions to the problem.

Frisof, Kenneth, "Universal Access Versus Universal Insurance," April 1990, pp. 49-53. Outlines the six principles for healthcare policy specified by the U.S. bishops in their 1981 pastoral letter.

Gorshe, Nancy, "An Effective, Efficient Elder Care Program," April 1993, pp. 57-59. Describes a long-term care health maintenance organization that is a type of integrated delivery network, offering comprehensive benefits and coordinating the delivery of healthcare services in a specific geographic market.

Hey, Michelle, "Proactive Healthcare Organizations Strengthen Key Relationships," December 1992, pp. 16-19. Tells about organizations' efforts to reform the healthcare delivery system through patient-focused care and physician involvement in administrative issues.

Hume, Susan K., "Long-Term Care and Hospital Collaboration," June 1993, pp. 16-20. Describes how long-term care facilities can initiate collaborative efforts to develop hospital-based skilled nursing facilities as a way to survive systemic reform.

"In Sight: A Vision for a Healthy America," July-August 1992, pp. 43-60. Reviews presentations from the June 1992 Catholic Health Assembly, which focused on healthcare system reform.

Karst, Philip J., "IDN Development: Issues to Resolve," March 1993, pp. 24-25, 31. Defines integrated delivery networks (IDNs), the Catholic Health Association's core concept for healthcare system reform.

McCartney, Rev. James J., OSA, "Toward a Just Healthcare System," May 1992, pp. 32-36. Discusses the role of healthcare providers, the Church, and government in improving access to care.

"Organized Systems of Care," October 1992, pp. 22-28. Presents the Washington Business Group on Health's vision of a future healthcare delivery system.

Philbin, Patrick W., "The Transition to Regional Networks," November 1992, pp. 20-24. Asserts that cooperative arrangements among providers will be the norm in a reformed healthcare system.

Renas, Stanley R., and Kinard, Jerry, "Importing the Canadian Plan," March 1990, pp. 22-26. Reviews the Canadian and Quebec healthcare systems and a proposal for a similar national health insurance plan in the United States.

Rheinecker, Phil, "Rural System Addresses Social, Economic Needs," July-August 1992, pp. 72-75, 78. Describes programs that focus on regional networking and cooperation.

Weil, Thomas P., "Living with NHI," April 1990, pp. 44-48. Argues that under a national health insurance plan, Catholic hospitals might have lower revenues but a greater freedom to concentrate on patient care.

Weiss, Rhoda, "Educating the Community about Healthcare Reform," April 1993, pp. 60-61, 64. Tells how hospitals in the Des Moines area have taken steps to advocate reform and inform their community about healthcare issues.

White, Jane H., "Basic Health Benefits: Deciding What to Cover," June 1993, pp. 8-10. Presents some of the ethical, scientific, and political issues surrounding the definitions of a standard health benefit.

White, Jane H., "Cutting through the Confusion of Managed Competition," March 1993, pp. 10-12, 30. Clarifies the key principles of managed competition espoused by the concept's leading architects and proponents.

White, Jane H., "Global Budgets: A Key to Clinton's Reform Strategy?" April 1993, pp. 10-12, 14. Explains how global budgets might fit into President Bill Clinton's healthcare reform proposal.

White, Jane H., "Health Insurance: Partial Reform or Total Change," July-August 1992, pp. 14-15, 17. Explores regulation of small-group health insurance.

White, Jane H., "The Oregon Plan's Impact on the Future of Healthcare Reform," December 1992, pp. 12-14. Analyzes what has happened in Oregon and the effect on healthcare reform of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the waiver process, and politics.

White, Jane H., "Tax Exemption in a Reformed Healthcare System," November 1992, pp. 10-12. Examines challenges to hospitals' tax-exempt status and activities underway to respond.

White, Jane H., "What Will Healthcare Reform Cost?" May 1993, pp. 15-17, 31. Looks at some of the preliminary estimates put forth by both private-sector and government analysts.



Resources In Healthcare Ethics

Copyright © 1993 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.