CHA has a new strategic plan. At its Sept. 21-22 meeting, CHA's board of trustees adopted the three-year plan, which will direct CHA activities through 2020.
The plan is structured around three goals:
- Advocacy goal — CHA will pursue and help to achieve health care policy that promotes health care access and provides affordable coverage for every person, especially those who are poor and vulnerable, while providing financial structures that sustain the ministry.
- Catholic identity and church relationships goal — CHA will be a catalyst to strengthen the Catholic identity of member organizations.
- Membership engagement goal — CHA will actively encourage and support its members to collectively engage and share ideas to sustain and strengthen Catholic health ministry as an essential provider in a rapidly evolving environment.
Drafted by the board and CHA staff early this year, the plan was provisionally approved by the board in April. During July, CHA surveyed people in member organizations across the ministry to measure agreement with the goals and objectives of the plan. The survey revealed broad agreement and endorsement of the stated goals and objectives.
In the area of advocacy, the plan calls for CHA to leverage its standing at the national legislative and executive level to achieve increased access to and coverage for health care; a responsible value-based payment system; improved health and well-being for individuals and communities, particularly those who are poor and vulnerable; and strong policies that protect life and respect the conscience of providers.
To address the Catholic identity and church relationships goal, the plan calls for CHA to utilize its position as the representative of Catholic health care organizations to facilitate stronger relationships with dioceses, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Holy See; to advance ministry formation opportunities for people in CHA-member organizations; to increase understanding and appreciation of sponsorship as essential to Catholic health care as a ministry of the church; and to expand the association's influence as a leader and trusted resource in ethics, mission and sponsorship.
The membership engagement component of the plan directs CHA to improve rapid response capability and facilitate knowledge transfer and shared service development to address member needs and to leverage its position to strengthen the ability of Catholic health care to thrive. The plan calls for CHA "to be seen as indispensable to members in areas of advocacy, church relations and Catholic identity."
The board monitors the association's progress toward plan goals continuously and annually reviews the three-year "rolling" plan in light of current environmental conditions, amending it as necessary.