


Claude W. Harbarger will retire as president of St. Dominic Health Services of Jackson, Miss., effective June 30. He's worked at St. Dominic's for 32 years. Lester K. Diamond, president of the system's St. Dominic Hospital, will succeed Harbarger as president of St. Dominic Health Services. St. Dominic's will become part of Baton Rouge, La.-based Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System on July 1 and will transition to the sponsorship of Franciscan Calais Ministries. Diamond will be a member of the executive and operating leadership team of FMOLHS.
ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGESOrganizations within Livonia, Mich.-based Trinity Health made these changes:
Katy Hoffman to chief nursing officer of St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor of Ypsilanti, Mich., and
Nick Nickolopoulos to chief nursing officer of St. Mary Mercy Livonia of Livonia.
Kathy Goetz to market vice president of women's services and MercyOne Children's Hospital. Dr. Tara Andersen to physician dyad leader for the same entities. They are part of MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center of Des Moines, Iowa. MercyOne is a joint operating company between Catholic Health Initiatives and Trinity Health.
Elva Sipin to vice president of operations at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend in Springfield, Ore., effective June 24.
GRANTProvidence Heart Institute of Portland, Ore., has received a $75 million gift from Phil and Penny Knight. The facility will use the funds to enhance cardiac services, including the development of a heart transplant program at Providence within a year. This donation builds on $25 million given by the Knights in 2014, which was equally matched by other donors. The heart institute is focused on clinical care, prevention and wellness, and research and innovation. Phil Knight is a founder of Nike.