St. Mary's Health Care System in Athens, Ga., will complete its acquisition of Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center of Lavonia, Ga., around June 1; the system will rename the facility St. Mary's Sacred Heart Hospital. Jeff English, St. Mary's vice president of human resources and support services, will be the hospital's interim president. English will succeed Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center Chief Executive Greg Hearn, who will continue to serve as chief executive of Ty Cobb Healthcare System.
R. Craig McCoy to chief executive of Bon Secours St. Francis Health System of Greenville, S.C., from chief executive of Emory Saint Joseph's Hospital of Atlanta.
Gary C. Tucker to president and chief executive of Mount St. Mary's Hospital and Health Center of Lewiston, N.Y., from senior vice president and chief operating officer of Mount St. Mary's. He replaces Judy Maness, who is stepping down. Tucker will assume the position July 1, when Mount St. Mary's becomes part of Catholic Health System of Buffalo, N.Y. The hospital is part of St. Louis-based Ascension Health.
Diane Doucette to president of Mount Carmel New Albany of New Albany, Ohio, from senior vice president of clinical services at the hospital. She succeeded Richard D'Enbeau, who retired.
ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES J. Bradford Coffey to president of the St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation of Bangor, Maine; the Covenant Health Foundation of Tewksbury, Mass.; and St. Mary's Health System development office of Lewiston, Maine.
Dr. Michael Murphy to chief medical officer for PeaceHealth of Vancouver, Wash.
Msgr. Stephen C. Worsley to director of mission outreach for St. Joseph of the Pines of Southern Pines, N.C.
GIFT Children's Hospital of San Antonio has opened the Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Clinical Research Center, made possible in part by a $500,000-plus grant from the Tomerlin Voelcker Fund.
ANNIVERSARY Marian Regional Medical Center, Santa Maria, Calif., 75 years.