Bishop Sylvain of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, dies at age 58

July 1, 2021
Bishop Sylvain

Bishop Ducange Sylvain, 58, died June 8 at Mirebalais University Hospital in Haiti. According to the Haiti Libre news outlet, Bishop Sylvain had been hospitalized there for a week, following respiratory complications related to COVID-19.

A priest with the Salesians of Saint John Bosco, Bishop Sylvain was auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince since 2016. CHA worked with Bishop Sylvain after the opening of the new St. Francis de Sales Hospital in Port-au-Prince. A massive earthquake destroyed the hospital in 2010, and CHA member organizations contributed $10.1 million to fund construction of a replacement hospital and clinic compound. The 200-bed hospital, dedicated in 2015, is owned and governed by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince.

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