Volunteer Appreciation

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he said, "God has given revelation through the Spirit, for the Spirit explores the depths of everything, even the depths of God…The spirit we have received is…God's own Spirit, so that we may understand the lavish gifts God has given us."

Let us take a moment in silence to value the many talents and gifts that God has given especially to our volunteers and all who dedicate their life's work to Catholic health ministry and are faithful to the healing mission of Jesus. [pause] For all these gifts, given out of your love, we thank you, God of all goodness.

As the spirit blows gently in our midst, may we move with that wind to choose extraordinary witnesses of Jesus' healing ministry.

We thank you, God of all goodness.

We pray for all those in our ministry who volunteer in our hospital, may their commitment to the healing ministry of Jesus be enhanced by their compassion for the suffering.

We thank you, God of all goodness.

Recreate in us a heart and spirit renewed, a heart and spirit dedicated to your holy healing work.

We thank you, God of all goodness.

Lord, as we gather here we remember that all we have in this world is first a gift from you that requires the collaboration of human hands. Thank you for all those who offer their time and talents, joining in our ministry of bringing healing, hope, and compassion to all those in need.

We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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