Prayer for the Sick

Compassionate and healing God,
we pray today for all who are sick or injured.
Let your hand of healing and protection be upon them Ease any fear and anxieties they may be experiencing.
Let them feel your comfort and the comfort of those around them.
When they feel afraid, give them courage and strength.
When they feel alone, send someone who can.
Listen and be present to them.
When they feel confused, give them reassurance and direction.
When they are in pain, provide them with caregivers who can ease their suffering.
In their times of darkness, help them to be sustained by the resources of their faith and inner spirit.
May all who are sick or injured know you are with them today and you hold them always in Your loving embrace.

Sister Jane McConnell , OSF, BCC; VP, Mission Integration, St. Mary's Health, Evansville, IN; Ascension Health, Daily We Seek You: Reflections and Prayers for Individuals, Caregivers and Ministry Teams

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