Leader: May the greatest commandments of our faith inspire us as we consider the works of global health we take on this day.
All: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
May we remember that we are not God, but God's collaborators in this world.
May our hearts grow in love of the One who breathed life into all people.
May our souls be filled with faith that God guides all our work.
May our minds long for wisdom of the task God sets before us.
May our strength center on finding hope in all corners of our world.
May our idea of neighbor only grow in the work to come.
All: Ever-loving God, our sincerest desire is to serve You. As we look about the world and see so much need, we also see much hope, because You are already at work everywhere we turn. Enflame in our hearts, our souls and our minds a love for You and for all people however scattered throughout the world we may be.
Loving God, we come together to think about our global work as a health care organization. As we discuss plans for international outreach, let us imitate the love you have shown us by being ever mindful of our global neighbors. Let our discussions and plans be fruitful, always remembering our responsibility to our global community. In your name we pray. Amen.
© The Catholic Health Association of the United States