Older Americans Month

Recommended for May 1

May is Older Americans month.

Loving God,
you are a faithful God and friend throughout our lives.
Even when we did not know it, you have been there, at our side,
protecting us, leading and guiding us in your ways, down your paths.
We pray today especially for our elderly patients, friends, and family members.
As they advance in years, continue to be their ever-present companion.
Soothe their aching limbs, give repose to their worried thoughts.
Reassure them that, as you have given them a special place in this life,
so too do they have a promised place with you in the life to come.
May they continue to love and be loved.
May they know their unique place in our lives
as those who have traveled long with you and learned your ways.
We know that you treasure their prayer for us and your world,
because you have long treasured them.
For such witnesses and friends among us, frail in body and faithful in spirit,
we give you heartfelt praise and thanks, O gentle Lord.

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