New Partnerships

Creative and loving God, we praise you as we begin this day.

We remember Jesus' invitation to love one another and to create community. In every age, the gentle call of your voice gathers diverse believers to form one people to give you praise. Open our minds and hearts to the gifts this meeting will bring to us and teach us what we most need to know. We ask for the guidance of your Spirit. Amen


Excerpts from the Ethical and Religious Directives (Preamble, and Chapter 6)
Health care in the United States is marked by extraordinary change. A contemporary understanding of the Catholic health ministry must take into account the new challenges presented by transitions both in the church and in American society ... Until recently, most health care providers enjoyed a degree of independence from one another. In ever-increasing ways, Catholic health care providers have become involved with other health care organizations and providers ... New partnerships forge a variety of interwoven relationships ... they can be viewed as opportunities for Catholic health care institutions and services to witness to their religious and ethical commitments and so influence the healing profession. New partnerships can help to provide a continuum of health care to the community; they can witness to responsible stewardship of resources; and they can be opportunities to provide to poor and vulnerable persons a more equitable access to basic care.


That the church reborn in Easter waters will carry on the healing mission of Christ in the midst of a troubled world ... we pray:

Risen Savior, hear us!

May Christian legislators witness to the resurrection of Jesus by supporting quality health care for all people, especially infants and children ... we pray:

Risen Savior, hear us!

We profess Christ to be the cornerstone of our faith. May Christ's legacy of love be our inspiration for renewing gospel values within our organizations ... we pray:

Risen Savior, hear us!

We acknowledge the power of the risen Christ as the source of healing for the world. May the Spirit of Jesus bless the work of all who partner to promote the common good in our health care organizations ... we pray:

Risen Savior, hear us!

Let us pray...

God, you have restored our life in Christ. Receive our prayers that the healing mission of Jesus may continue through our ministry and we may be your faithful stewards. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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