Native American Heritage Month

Recommended for November 1

Native American Heritage Month is a time to acknowledge the important contributions of American Indians (AI) and Alaska Natives (AN) in the United States and celebrate their rich and diverse cultures, traditions and history. Pope Francis, in a message to the World Meeting of Popular Movements, and, speaking directly to indigenous peoples and all the inhabitants of the Americas, stated: “Let us say NO to forms of colonialism old and new. Let us say YES to the encounter between peoples and cultures. Blessed are the peacemakers.” And so we pray …


O Great Creator,

We give praise and thanks to You for our lives and world. You make all things new and good, and you invite your peoples throughout creation to receive and share all that is good with each other. Thank you for how wonderfully and intimately You share Your life with us all.

Likewise, we seek deepening relationships with each other and all Creation. We commit to live and work with one another – our families, our communities and all cultures, nations and peoples. We thank Your Great Holy Spirit for the great variety of gifts and talents You give Your people, and we commit to always using Your blessings to help one another and all Creation.

We commit, O Creator, to share with and care for each other as You continue to do with us: with great reverence, generosity and respect. All praise and thanks to you, O Creator, for the privilege and call to share in Your wonderful life! Amen.

- Adapted from, “Catholicism and Traditional Indigenous Spirituality – A Reflection on Commonalities,” National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples, 2015

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