
General Intercessions

Gathered as servants of God, we offer our prayers in joyful confidence.

God, hear our prayer.

Let us pray for the Church of Rome, Church of Martyrs and Saints, of leaders and of everyday Christians: that it may continue to witness to the truth, encourage and support other Churches throughout the world, and be a source of unity for all God's people, we pray to the Lord.

Let us also pray for our local Churches: that we may be a light in the darkness of our times, signs of the presence of God in times of doubt, and servants to all who have been forgotten, we pray to the Lord.

Let us pray for our health care ministries: that God will continue to direct and make strong our works for those who are in need, let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for all those who work with us physicians, nurses, housekeepers, cooks, therapists, administrators and others: may God guide their work and help them to find meaning in the service they offer, let us pray to the Lord.

Let us lift one another up in prayer: that during this time of pilgrimage in Rome, we may grow in faith, recognize the work of God in our lives, and respond courageously to all that God asks of us, we pray to the Lord.

Let us commend all who have died, especially, our family members, and those who have gone before us in ministry to the Lord: may they share forever in the chorus of praise around God's throne, we pray to the Lord.

Loving God, you have called us each by name and invited us to share in the service of your people. Hear these our prayers and those  that are unspoken in our hearts. By your strength may we continue to serve you and be ever renewed by your spirit. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our healer and teacher.


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