Hear Us, Heal Us

Hear Us, Heal Us

Gracious God, we pray for all our brothers and sisters who suffer in mind, body and spirit; give them comfort and make them whole.

God of Love, you sent us Jesus to live among us, to experience our humanity. He went about doing good works, healing sicknesses and infirmities of every kind. He commanded his disciples to care for the sick, to pray for them and to lay hands on them.

God of Mercy, you made us in your image and likeness and endowed us with the gifts of love and compassion. Bless all those who strive to live out the healing ministry of Jesus. Give them hands and hearts to embody your mercy.

God of Compassion, guide caregivers to be in solidarity with the sick and suffering, for surely all will experience these things. May they be as gracious in receiving care as in ministering to the needs of others. Support and strengthen all caregivers as they respond to the needs of persons who are ill, injured or disabled, that they may provide peace and comfort.

We ask all these things through Christ our Lord.


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