Christmas Gathering

A Prayer for Our Christmas Gathering

O God, bless us as we join together at Christmas
to celebrate and to share food and fellowship.
Thank you for this meal and the hands that made it;
for the life you have given us to share with others;
and for the meaningful work we accomplish together.
We ask for the grace to do justice,
to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with you.
As we complete the waiting season of Advent
and move toward the glory of his birth,
we pray in the name of Jesus, your son, our Lord.
May the spirit of giving go on through the year,
Bringing love, laughter, hope, and good cheer.

Prayer written by Pope John XXIII. Featured in the book Journey of a Soul, translated by Dorothy White, published 1965, revised edition 1980, copyright 1980 by Geoffrey Chapman (a division of Cassell Ltd).

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