Autumn Prayer Service


As the sounds of life begin, may our voice be one with the chorus of all creation which rejoices in the ripeness of autumn.

May our morning prayer echo through our every deed this new day.

O Giver of all gifts, who has so enriched my life, I have many needs this day. Grant me the gift of patience so that I may live in harmony with all.

Grant me the grace of compassion so that I may not bypass anyone in need. And give me enthusiasm for the tasks of this autumn day and week so that I may invest it with our love and life.

As we embrace the mystery that we are one with all the earth and its children, we bring our needs before God. . .
Invite others to voice prayer requests.

I ask you, God of the Harvest, who has filled heaven and earth with your glory, to help me make my hands into your hands, so that your will may be done by me this day. Form my words into your words to affirm the faint-hearted, to support the faltering and to encourage the poor of spirit. Fill up all that is lacking in me, so that I may be your servant, a co-creator in your endless drama of creation. I begin this day with outstretched hands and pray:

Blessed are you, O Harvest of my heart, Sacred Source of all life, Delight of my days.

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