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Milwaukee-area mom Ajah Lott knows how important it is to get to her prenatal appointments as she nears the September due date for her twins' arrival.
CHI Health of Omaha, Nebraska, recently partnered with the Omaha Fire Department to pack bags of essential supplies that they call blessing bags . . .
SAN DIEGO — SSM Health is replicating across its four-state footprint a screening program to identify and address social needs that affect health among maternal care patients.
CHRISTUS Good Shepherd Health System in eastern Texas has partnered with a Marshall, Texas, food pantry to open a remote food locker. Community members...
Lacey Starcevich was 19 years old when she showed up at the emergency room at St. James Hospital in Butte, Montana, with a bladder infection. She didn't have a home...
FESTUS, Mo. — Pat Niemeyer, 76, had been seeing Dr. Joanne Waltman for 14 years for primary care. Recently, at her first visit with Waltman at Mercy's new 65 Prime+ clinic . . .
Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic and The Lincoln Center for Family and Youth have formed a collaboration to implement the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program. . . .
Saint Francis Hospital of Wilmington, Delaware, is helping to support a local nonprofit called the HOPE Commission in its efforts to aid women who have been released from prison . . .
When Bob Kazimour and his wife, Jan, were honorary chairs of a fundraising effort about a decade ago to raise capital to start the Family Caregivers Center on the Mercy Medical Center campus in Cedar Rapids...
After successful starts, two Catholic health systems are diving deeper into hospital-at-home care. Mercy launched Mercy Hospital at Home in September, offering the acute care option . . .
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Four years ago, Susie Winkowski and her husband left the resort they'd owned on the West Coast because his dementia was making it too difficult to keep up with . . .
One of the first patients at the new Obstetrics Emergency Department at Ascension St. Joseph hospital in Milwaukee was in drug withdrawal and having an acute mental health episode. . . .
Catholic hospitals in Oklahoma City are partnering with a nonmedical respite care facility to help unhoused adult patients recover safely as they build a more stable life. . . .
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