
Books And Texts

Product Image A Call to Care
“A Call to Care,” captures the spirit of the women religious who built Catholic health care and helped shape America’s health care system. Focusing on a handful of women who contributed mightily >>

Your Price:$26.40
Non-Member Price:$26.40
Product Image A Guide for Planning and Reporting Community Benefit (2022 Update )
Select one of the available product options for appropriate pricing. Updated in 2022 to incorporate equity and social determinants of health as community benefit priorities, CHA's A >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image A Passionate Voice for Compassionate Care - Celebrating 100 Years
This comprehensive history of the Catholic Health Association of the United States features vintage and contemporary photographs that illustrate the 100 years of the association since its founding >>

Your Price:$22.70
Non-Member Price:$22.70
Product Image A Reflection Guide for International Health Activities
Witnessing life in a foreign culture - and more dramatically, encountering conditions of poverty and lack of health care - often are life-changing experiences with long-lasting effects. This booklet >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image A Sign of Hope: A Pastoral Letter on Healthcare by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
Originally published Oct. 18, 1995Calling health care "an essential ministry" and one especially capable of providing the >>

Your Price:$7.80
Non-Member Price:$7.80
Product Image Assessing and Addressing Community Health Needs (2015 Edition)
Select one of the available product options for appropriate pricing.Updated to reflect IRS final rules issued on December 31, 2014.Responding to the health needs of our communities, especially to >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Assessing And Addressing Community Health Needs: A Summary Of New Requirements and Recommended Practices
This booklet contains a concise overview of federal requirements for tax-exempt hospitals to conduct community health needs assessments and adopt implementation strategies to address identified >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Building Blocks for Effective Legislative Advocacy
This tool will help you create and sustain within your organization a structure for legislative advocacy, familiarize you with the legislative process and provide insight on how to be most effective >>

Your Price:$8.50
Non-Member Price:$8.50
Product Image Caritas in Communion: A Summary
Intended for use by senior leaders, trustees and sponsors within Catholic health care, this paper summarizes a more extensive theological study that CHA conducted during the FY 2013 year. It examines the >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Cases in Genetics: A Collection of Selected Case Studies
These case studies, prepared by the staff of CHA's Theology and Ethics Department, and others in the Catholic health ministry, appeared individually in issues of Health Progress throughout 2003. They >>

Your Price:$10.00
Non-Member Price:$10.00
Product Image Catholic Eldercare: A Life-Giving Experience
Catholic Eldercare: A Life-Giving Experience describes and celebrates care of older persons in Catholic-sponsored health care organizations. This booklet draws from the Gospel of John which >>

Your Price:$5.00
Non-Member Price:$5.00
Product Image CHA Medical Surplus Donation Study: How Effective Surplus Donation Can Relieve Human Suffering
This 18-page report presents findings from a research study CHA initiated in 2010 to study how member organizations could alleviate human suffering in the developing world through a responsible medical >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Climate Change and Health: Is There A Role for the Health Care Sector?
Pope Benedict XVI and the U.S. Catholic Bishops accept the scientific consensus that climate change is upon us and urge prudent action now to more faithfully care for Creation and to avoid more severe >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Community Benefit and Finance/Tax Staff: Cultivating Relationships for Accurate Reporting (Electronic Download)
This 17-page booklet, developed by CHA in collaboration with Vizient, provides information to help staff in community benefit and in finance (and in some health systems, also the tax department) cultivate >>

Your Price:$5.00
Non-Member Price:$5.00
Product Image Community Benefit Combo Pack
Select one of the available product options for appropriate pricing.Purchase all three new Community Benefit resources at a discounted price. This package includes:A Guide for Planning and >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Connecting Health Care With Public and Environmental Health
With our members, CHA is working to raise the issue of environmental stewardship as a mission–based clinical and public policy imperative. We act as responsible stewards of God’s creation as we respond >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Conversation Guide: Sustaining Connection for Well-Being
Inviting conversation about what shapes well-being is especially meaningful now as we face a pandemic and other complexities. Developed by members of CHA's Well-Being Task >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Cooperating with the Spirit: CHA Discernment Model
The CHA Discernment Model is part of a series of resources from the Catholic Health Association of the United States.  This two-page document presents a model for discernment which will help foster >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Cooperating with the Spirit: CHA Discernment Model and Facilitator's Guide
The CHA Discernment Model Facilitator’s Guide is a companion to the CHA Discernment Model. It includes both the discernment model and additional expanded resources for prayer and reflection to >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Crossing the Continuum - Integrating Senior Care in Catholic Health Systems
This paper by Howard Gleckman of The Urban Institute, titled Integrating Catholic Health Systems and Elder Care: New Models That Cross the Continuum, examines the value and feasibility of well-coordinated, >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Disaster Response: Considerations for Catholic Health Care
Those who work in Catholic health care are compassionate people called to work in service to others. This is especially true in times of disaster - domestic and international, natural and human-made. >>

Your Price:$5.00
Non-Member Price:$5.00
Product Image Environmental Sustainability Getting Started Guide
Environmental sustainability is increasingly seen as a core value in Catholic health care organizations. It responds to the biblical command to care for creation, the public health imperatives to prevent >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Evaluating Your Community Benefit Impact (2015 Edition)
Select one of the available product options for appropriate pricing.It is essential to evaluate community benefit programs in order to improve programs and ensure the effectiveness of actions taken >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Facing the Final Frontier: Opportunities and Challenges of Managing Long-Term Care for an Aging Population
States and the federal government are moving rapidly towards MLTSS-a broad set of initiatives aimed at expanding managed health care to include personal assistance and other services for the frail elderly >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Faithfully Healing the Earth: Climate Change and Catholic Health Care Booklet
This resource for Catholic health ministry, Faithfully Healing the Earth: Catholic Health Care and Climate Change, highlights the many reasons why climate change is an important issue for us >>

Your Price:$6.30
Non-Member Price:$6.30
Product Image First Do No Harm: Assessing & Selecting High Quality Medical Surplus Recovery Organization
This guide offers Catholic health care leaders tools for assessing the practices and effectiveness of surplus recovery organizations (MSROs).  Based on the ground-breaking 2010 study of Medical >>

Your Price:$9.20
Non-Member Price:$9.20
Product Image Food for the Journey (2013)
This essential formation resource is a newly updated edition of the original authored in 1991 by Sister Juliana Casey, a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Framework for Senior Leadership Formation
Many Catholic-sponsored health systems are making a strong investment in well-structured, intensive leadership formation efforts. Noting this trend, CHA began an initiative in 2009 to learn why this >>

Your Price:$7.10
Non-Member Price:$7.10
Product Image Genetics, Science, and the Church: A Synopsis of Catholic Church Teachings on Science and Genetics
In an attempt to help foster better understanding of the church's position on genetic research and its applications, CHA has compiled this synopsis of church teachings. Though not complete, this evolving >>

Your Price:$7.10
Non-Member Price:$7.10
Product Image Guide for Sponsors in Catholic Health Care: An Explanation of Purpose, Qualifications, Structures and Competencies
A valuable and timely guide for new, current and prospective sponsor members about the distinctive role of sponsors and important role of the laity for the health ministry of the Catholic Church.The >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Guiding Principles for Conducting Global Health Activities
This CHA resource that offers Catholic health ministry leaders and others who participate in global health projects six  Guiding Principles for Conducting Global Health Activities.Offering >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Healing Communities and the Environment: Opportunities for Community Benefit Programs (August 2013)
This 35-page booklet was developed by the Catholic Health Association and Health Care Without Harm to help health care organizations seek opportunities for facility community benefit, as well as >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Healing the Multitudes - Catholic Health Care's Commitment to Community Health
This resource, Healing the Multitudes: Catholic Health Care’s Commitment to Community Health,  explains why the Catholic health ministry is called to take a leadership role in addressing the >>

Your Price:$5.00
Non-Member Price:$5.00
Product Image Healing the Multitudes - Catholic Health Care's Commitment to Community Health: A Resource for Boards
This resource, Healing the Multitudes – Catholic Health Care’s Commitment to Community Health: A Resource for Boards,  explains why the Catholic health ministry is called to take a leadership >>

Your Price:$5.00
Non-Member Price:$5.00
Product Image Healing the Multitudes - Social Determinants of Health and Catholic Tradition: A Reflection & Integration Resource for Boards
Addressing the root causes of poor health is not unique to Catholic health care. What is unique to Catholic health care is that our faith compels us to give special attention to our neighbors who are >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Hospital Readmissions - Challenges and Opportunities for Catholic Senior Services
This article by Howard Gleckman of The Urban Institute was published in the September-October 2012 edition of CHA’s journal, Health Progress. Commissioned by the Catholic Health Association, the article, >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Human Trafficking Initiative - Easter-Themed Flyer About Cocoa Trade
As part of Catholic health ministry's commitment to promote and defend human dignity, care for poor and vulnerable persons and act on behalf of justice, and in support of the ministry-wide initiative, >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Improving the Lives of Older Adults through Faith Community Partnerships
Faith communities and health care organizations are both called to heal. By partnering together, these organizations can complement each other’s strengths to provide health, social and >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image International Outreach: Getting Started Guide
Developed to help those interested in expanding or starting an international outreach initiative, this booklet and accompanying online resources offer sage advice gleaned from Catholic health >>

Your Price:$9.20
Non-Member Price:$9.20
Product Image It's Time to Consider a Career in Catholic Health Care Ethics: Ethics Leadership in Catholic Healthcare
Developed to help create interest in the ethics role in Catholic health care and attract potential candidates, this brochure highlights ethics as a potential career path and includes a Internet address >>

Your Price:$5.00
Non-Member Price:$5.00
Product Image Life Beyond Death - A Traveler's Guide for Christians
"This book is a roadmap for our journey toward God." Peter C. Phan, ForewordThis new publication from CHA by prominent theologian Thomas F. O’Meara, >>

Your Price:$16.30
Non-Member Price:$16.30
Product Image Living Well with Serious Illness
The Catholic Health Association developed this updated and refreshed guide to show the range of support that is available to patients and families to help them live as well as possible during serious illness. >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Mission Leader Competency Model - 2020 Edition
Due to COVID-19, this item will not begin shipping until after November 10. For decades, CHA has offered mission leaders a competency model for use in their professional development. This resource >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Mission Leadership in Catholic Health Care Brochure
Now Available in Spanish!Developed to help create understanding of and interest in the mission leader role and to attract potential candidates, this 8.5 x 11 brochure, available hardcopy or as an electronic >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Pope Francis: Embrace of Hope: Compassion in Times of Illness
Pope Francis lives his Petrine ministry close the faithful.  This is particularly clear with regards to those who, for one reason or another, live on the margins, such as the sick, who hold a >>

Your Price:$8.95
Non-Member Price:$8.95
Product Image Renewing Relationship: Essays as We Evolve and Emerge from Pandemic
CHA has curated a set of essays from highly-regarded theologians and public health experts to set the stage for collective consideration of how the complexities and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic created >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Responsible Redistribution of Medical Supplies & Equipment: Leading Practices for Hospitals & Health Systems
This resource shares the findings of a 2012 research study, and includes eight critical, high-impact leading practices every hospital and health system should adopt when starting or enhancing a medical surplus >>

Your Price:$10.90
Non-Member Price:$10.90
Product Image Short-Term Medical Mission Trips Survey Results
This book contains the detailed question-by-question survey results from Phase I and Phase II of CHA's 2014-2015 research project on short-term medical mission trips. This is a companion resource >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Short-Term Medical Mission Trips: Phase I Research Findings - Practices and Perspectives of U.S. Partners
This 40-page report provides the results of a 2014 CHA-conducted research study of short-term medical mission trips. The goal of the research project was to create a snapshot of current practices in >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Short-Term Medical Mission Trips: Phase I Research Findings - Practices and Perspectives of U.S. Partners - Executive Brief
This eight-page Executive Brief shares the high level results of a 2014 CHA-conducted research study of short-term medical mission trips. The goal of the research project was to create a snapshot of >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Short-Term Medical Mission Trips: Recommendations for Practice
This CHA resource shares 20 Recommendations for Practice that Catholic health care leaders should use to review current and to consider future short-term medical mission trip activities. They are >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Sponsor Reflection Guide
Sponsorship Reflection Guide is a sponsor resource to serve as an opportunity for ongoing formation focused on principles related to sponsorship. In this guide there are two >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Striving for Excellence in Ethics: A Resource for the Catholic Health Ministry (2nd Edition)
This comprehensive new ethics resource produced in 2014 features an updated edition of the original Striving for Excellence in Ethics print publication produced in 2011 and a new Assessment Tool with >>

Your Price:$35.00
Non-Member Price:$35.00
Product Image The Church, Its Social Justice Tradition and the Catholic Health Care Ministry as a Just Workplace (Package)
The Church, Its Social Tradition and the Catholic Health Ministry as a Just Workplace is a theological analysis of how an understanding of the nature of the Church is foundational for the understanding >>

Your Price:$11.10
Non-Member Price:$11.10
Product Image The Ethics Role in Catholic Health Care
Among those who have responsibility for "doing ethics" in Catholic health care are professional ethicists. This collection of previously published materials explores the role of the ethicist in Catholic >>

Your Price:$15.00
Non-Member Price:$15.00
Product Image The Mission of Community Benefit Flyer
This 8.5 x 11 one-sided flyer highlights why Catholic health care ministries provide community benefit programs – in fulfillment of the mission.Available for electronic download or hardcopy. >>

Your Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
Product Image Voices from the Journey
Published in 2015, the centennial year of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, Voices from the Journey celebrates the people of Catholic health care. Readers can >>

Your Price:$17.90
Non-Member Price:$17.90
Product Image Voices from the Journey & Food for the Journey Combo Pack
When you purchase Food for the Journey and Voices from the Journey together, receive a complimentary pack for Food for the Journey Note Cards.Food for the JourneyThis book, an essential formation resource, >>

Your Price:$35.90
Non-Member Price:$35.90