This resource for Catholic health ministry, Faithfully Healing the Earth: Catholic Health Care and Climate Change, highlights the many reasons why climate change is an important issue for us as faith-based providers of health care and consumers of energy. It was developed to introduce Catholic health care leaders to the issues surrounding Climate Change and to suggest steps that can be taken to address this escalating, but solvable problem. The 26-page booklet is provided as part of a ministry–wide effort to raise awareness about global climate change being undertaken by the Catholic Health Association – in cooperation with Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI), Denver; Covenant Health Systems, Lexington, Mass.; and Trinity Health, Novi, Mich. The effort is funded through receipt of a grant from the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE) and the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change. There is also an accompanying poster that can be ordered.
Respect for Creation Prayer Card
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Faithfully Healing the Earth Poster
Earth Day Reflection Card - 2017
Earth Day Prayer Card - 2016 (Packs of 50)
Your Price: $10.30 Non-Member Price: $10.30
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Printed Hardcopy - (Packs of 50)
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