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Healing the Multitudes - Catholic Health Care's Commitment to Community Health

Product Code: 3723
Healing the Multitudes - Catholic Health Care's Commitment to Community Health
Member: $1.00/$2.50
Non-Member: $5.00
Your Price: $5.00

Full Description

This resource, Healing the Multitudes: Catholic Health Care’s Commitment to Community Health explains why the Catholic health ministry is called to take a leadership role in addressing the social determinants of health and outlines the key components of a comprehensive strategy that organizations need to consider when undertaking this work.

This focus on addressing the root causes of poor health is not unique to Catholic healthcare. What is unique to Catholic health care is that our faith compels us to give special attention to our neighbors who are economically poor and to work for the common good. It is these values that drive us to lead the way in this work, even when the path forward is not clear.

Since a comprehensive community health improvement strategy touches the organization’s clinical interventions, business processes and structures and community relationships, this resource would be helpful to a wide audience including those who work in mission, community benefit, population health, physician relations, human resources, purchasing, and strategic planning.

Product Details

Publication Date: June 12, 2018
Number of Pages: 16
Product Dimensions: H: 11 IN., W: 8.5 IN.
Shipping Weight: 0.2 Lb.