Ascension has joined the Keep Americans Covered coalition, a nonpartisan group that is advocating for the extension of enhanced premium tax credits for people insured through the health insurance marketplace. CHA also is part of Keep Americans Covered
and is represented on the coalition's steering committee.
The enhanced premium tax credits became available under the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021. The credits were extended in 2022. The credits are set to expire late this year, unless Congress elects to once again extend them.
CHA says the tax credits have made insurance more affordable and accessible and reduced barriers to care for more than 20 million individuals and families. The association says the credits also have helped to improve health outcomes. Four million Americans
could lose their insurance coverage if the credits expire. CHA says premiums could increase by 25% or more if they do.
In a press release about Ascension joining Keep Americans Covered, Joe Impicciche, the health system's CEO, says through the coalition Ascension is promoting public policy solutions that will "protect access to quality and affordable care and strengthen
the country's health care safety net." He says without the credits many people will have to choose between health insurance and essentials like food, transportation and utilities.
The Keep Americans Covered coalition includes organizations representing patients, consumers, doctors, hospitals, health insurers and employers. In addition to CHA and Ascension, members
include the American Academy of Family Physicians, AARP, Association for Community Affiliated Plans, Alliance of Community Health Plans, American College of Physicians, AHIP, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association,
American Medical Association, BlueCross BlueShield Association, FamiliesUSA, Federation of American Hospitals, Healthcare Leadership Council, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, National Association of Nurse Practitioners, National Rural Health Association,
Small Business for America's Future, Susan G. Komen, United States of Care and Unidos US.