So All May Flourish: A Prayer for World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Recommended for September 29

Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.
If one member suffers, all suffer together with it;
if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.

So All May Flourish
Sacred Spirit, Living God:
Our legacy is born of Your first embrace.
Each member of our human family is an
inseparable part of You, and Your tender care
compels us to embrace our blessed connectedness.
Empower our actions on behalf of justice; may they
be informed by Your compassion and grace.
Love Incarnate, like those who have gone before,
inspire us to nurture Your kingdom. May we boldly
stand at the crossroads, seeking those who have been
outcast. May we proudly carry Your legacy of love so
that all may flourish.

Donde Todas Las Personas Florezcan
Espíritu Sagrado, Dios Vivo:
Nuestra herencia nace de Tu primer abrazo.
Cada miembro de la familia humana es una parte
inseparable de Ti; Tu ternura y cuidado nos impulsa
a abrazar nuestra bendecida interconexión. Fortalece
nuestras acciones por la justicia; que sean inspiradas
por Tu compasión y gracia.
Amor Encarnado, como aquellos que se nos
adelantaron, inspíranos a cultivar Tu reino.
Concédenos mantenernos con valentía en la
encrucijada, buscando a los que han sido
marginados. Permítenos llevar tu legado de amor con
orgullo, para que todas las personas florezcan.

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