Pilgrims of Hope

"…By our service, we strive to transform hurt into hope."
(Shared Statement of Identity for the Catholic Health Ministry)

In this 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope, Pope Francis encourages us to join together on a pilgrimage of hope. Hope is a vital component of serving Jesus's healing ministry, optimism alone isn't enough to transform hurt into hope. Rather, hope requires that we lean forward in faith, trusting in the unknown, the "and yet," over and over — against all reason. It requires precise attentiveness so that even the smallest of forward movements can be perceived. With hope as a companion, we find belonging and solidarity with others striving similarly. We build together an enduring community rooted in the love of God.

Let us pray —

God who walks with us:
As we lean into the work to which we’ve been called,
keep our eyes on the horizon,
that we might see beyond
     to the enduring hope,
     to the "and yet" that you promise us.
We make our way together:
     steady our steps,
     awaken our awareness,
     give us the vision to see your goodness in the signs of hope around us.
Transform our hurts, O Tender One,
that we might offer the light of hope to those in our care.

"…And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with love."
(Romans 5:4-5)

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