This 12-page, full-color brochure presents the core principles and values of Catholic health care for a fair and equitable health care system in the U.S. that promotes the nation’s well-being and provides quality, accessible and affordable health care for everyone. The values provide guiding principles to support advocacy initiatives at the national, state and local levels for the development of health policy and legislation that fosters the common good, human dignity, stewardship, justice and patient-centered care, particularly for those who are poor and vulnerable. The publication is also a valuable educational resource for patients, physicians, clinicians, health care executives, sponsors, board members and community leaders, or as a discussion tool at meetings or events.
The values and principles were originally developed by the Catholic Health Association of the United States in concert with its member hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, hospices and health facilities across the nation as part of the Catholic health ministry’s ongoing commitment to a just and equitable health system that works for everyone. CHA updated the Vision document in 2019 to provide a framework reflecting new opportunities for and challenges to improving the U.S. health care system.
Our Vision for U.S. Health Care - Flyer
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"Medicaid Makes It Possible" Posters
"Medicaid Makes It Possible" Stickers
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"Medicaid Makes It Possible" Fact Sheet (Printed) and Button
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