CHA’s new "Medicaid Makes It Possible" fact sheet and button are resources for the Catholic health ministry and general public to raise a national voice in support of Medicaid and how makes it possible for millions of children, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, veterans and working families across the United States have access to high-quality, affordable health care services. It also invites people to view and share stories and take action to support Medicaid at and #MEDICAIDPOSSIBLE
The four-color 8"X11" fact sheet and accompanying "Medicaid Makes It Possible" lapel button can be used to promote education and awareness of the benefits of Medicaid in hospitals, physicians offices, long-term care facilities, parishes and community organizations. Fact sheets and lapel buttons can be ordered separately or together.
"Medicaid Makes It Possible" Stickers
Your Price: $0.30 Non-Member Price: $0.30
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"Medicaid Makes It Possible" Posters
Your Price: $0.00 Non-Member Price: $0.00
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