
Prayer Service - Support Us in Our Healing Ministry

May-June 2014


Based on the prayer of Moses Maimonides, 12th century philosopher and physician.

LEADER: The Gospel often depicts the actions of Jesus as those of a physician. He cleansed those afflicted with leprosy, gave sight to the blind, enabled the mute to speak, cured the woman with a hemorrhage and raised the dead. As the mystery of Christ casts light on every aspect of Catholic health care, let us call upon God, our divine physician and healer, who allows us who are involved in Catholic health care to share in this mission and ministry of healing.

LEADER: Almighty God, you have called us to use our wisdom and skills to help relieve suffering and enhance the life and health of your children.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Support us in our labors of healing that we may use our talents always to benefit our brothers and sisters.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Inspire us with love for the art of healing.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Do not allow thirst for profit, ambition or fame to interfere with our mission.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Preserve the strength of our body and soul that we may be ready to cheerfully help rich and poor, good and bad, enemy as well as friend.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Illumine our minds to recognize what presents itself and to comprehend what is absent or hidden.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Give those for whom we care confidence in us and in the healing that we offer.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Give us the humility that we may continue to learn from those who are wise.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: Fill us with gentleness and calmness when others blame us or try to displace us.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

LEADER: And let us be content with everything except to continue to grow in the knowledge of our mission and ministry. Give us the grace ever to extend our knowledge.

ALL: Blessed be the Lord, our God.

ALL: Almighty God, You have chosen us in your mercy to be part of Catholic health care and to watch over the lives of your children. May we always be aware that those who make use of Catholic health care are truly our brothers and sisters who are in pain and in need of healing. Support us in our ministry so that we may use our knowledge and talents for the benefit of all your sons and daughters. For without your help, even the smallest thing will not succeed. Amen.


"Prayer Service," a regular department in Health Progress, may be copied without prior permission.

Prayer Service-Support Us in Our Healing Ministry

Copyright © 2014 by the Catholic Health Association of the United States

For reprint permission, contact Betty Crosby or call (314) 253-3490.