
An Earth Day Dialogue with Gary Cohen – History and Hope

April 3, 2019
3 – 4 p.m. ET


Join us for a spirited, online discussion with environmental expert, Gary Cohen, who is president and co-founder of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH). During this one-hour event, learn about HCWH's history and priorities to make health care environmentally responsible, including the vital role CHA members have played and are playing. Speaking with Mr. Cohen will be Julie Trocchio, CHA's senior director of community benefit and continuing care — who oversees CHA's activities in environmental stewardship. Through questions and conversation, they'll explore how health care professionals can give hope to the future of our earth through their organizational, personal and policy activities as well as tips for raising the profile of key environmental initiatives.


Gary Cohen

Gary Cohen has been a pioneer in the environmental health movement for 30 years. He is president and co-founder of Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth and was instrumental in forming the Healthier Hospitals Initiative, all created to transform the health care sector to be environmentally sustainable and serve as anchor institutions to support environmental health in their communities. Gary Cohen has received numerous recognitions for his achievements, including The MacArthur Foundation's Fellows Award and the White House's Champion of Change Award for Public Health and Climate Change.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar will be relevant for anyone who is interested in environmental stewardship and sustainability, and specifically:

  • Sustainability leaders
  • Green team members
  • Facilities management
  • Mission leaders
  • Board and executive leaders
  • Advocacy staff
  • Congregations of religious women and men with focuses on environment


Participants will learn:

  • How health care, including Catholic health care, has led the nation in environmental responsibility
  • How to talk to executive and board leaders about sustainability
  • How to engage in today's most pressing environmental issues

Certificate of Attendance

Please note: CHA does not offer Continuing Education Units (CEU) for any programs. Participants will receive an email with information on how to acquire a Certificate of Attendance following the program (typically included in the program evaluation email). Certificates of Attendance may be submitted to relevant organizations that accept proof of contact hours as credit. These include:

American College of Healthcare Executives: American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) members may self-report qualifying CEUs using the contact hour information provided on their CHA Certificate of Attendance. To self-report, log in as a member on the ACHE site; use the link on the left-hand side to self-report applicable contact hours for CEU credit.

NACC Board Certified Chaplains: National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) board certified chaplain members may self-report their continuing education hours (CEH's) using the contact hours information provided on their CHA Certificate of Attendance.

For further information regarding Certificates of Attendance, please contact CHA's Programs and Learning Department at [email protected].

Participant / Site Coordinator Role

As a participant, you will receive dial-in instructions and webinar materials one week prior to the webinar via email. These materials will come to you from "CHA Service Center," so please watch for that email address. Be sure to have these materials ready the day of the webinar so that you can easily access the event and utilize the materials. If you have registered and are convening a group of participants, please consider yourself the "site coordinator" and review the following suggested recommendations for serving in that role on behalf of the group.

More information

CHA Member Benefit

CHA's webinars are designed to offer timely, convenient, relevant, cost-effective education about key topics and issues.

Can't Participate in the Live Event?

If your schedule doesn't permit you to participate in the live event, please register (FREE for CHA members) so that you will automatically receive a link to the archived version of the webinar.


For more information contact the CHA Service Center or Julie Trocchio, senior director, community benefit and continuing care.