Join us for a spirited, online discussion with environmental expert, Gary Cohen, who is president and co-founder of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH). During this one-hour event, learn about HCWH's history and priorities to make health care environmentally responsible, including the vital role CHA members have played and are playing. Speaking with Mr. Cohen will be Julie Trocchio, CHA's senior director of community benefit and continuing care — who oversees CHA's activities in environmental stewardship. Through questions and conversation, they'll explore how health care professionals can give hope to the future of our earth through their organizational, personal and policy activities as well as tips for raising the profile of key environmental initiatives.
Gary Cohen has been a pioneer in the environmental health movement for 30 years. He is president and co-founder of Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth and was instrumental in forming the Healthier Hospitals Initiative, all created to transform the health care sector to be environmentally sustainable and serve as anchor institutions to support environmental health in their communities. Gary Cohen has received numerous recognitions for his achievements, including The MacArthur Foundation's Fellows Award and the White House's Champion of Change Award for Public Health and Climate Change.