Mission Leader Competency Self-Assessment Tool

Welcome to the Self-Assessment Tool for the 2020 Mission Leader Competency Model. This electronic tool allows you to assess yourself in each of the competencies. In the end, you can download your results as well as coaching prompts to help you grow from Tier I to Tier II to Tier III. We hope your results will help you create a plan for professional development and personal formation.

Here's how it works:

  1. Each competency includes several behavioral indicators, which are further broken down into three tiers. Click the button beside the one that best matches your ability in that particular activity of the competency.
  2. After completing any competency, go to the bottom of the tool and click “Save My Assessment.”
  3. Once you have saved your assessment, you can download and save your assessment with specific virtual coaching prompts included.

Please note: you can complete and save for any given competency. There is no requirement to finish the assessment at one time, nor in its entirety. If you are interested in seeing all of the virtual coaching tips, click Virtual Coach Assessments.

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